Friday, August 10, 2012

halloween contact lenses
Halloween itself as a holiday has been around for over 3,000 years, and was originally practiced by the Celtic people of Britain.

It was combined during the rise of Christianity with All Saint's Day, and the name Halloween itself is a variation of All Hallows Eve.

For most of its existence Halloween was a holiday for children, but in the last ten or fifteen years in America and several other countries Halloween has become a favorite holiday of adults as well, and today is only surpassed by Christmas as the holiday that Americans spend the most money on.

Much of the money they spend is, of course, for costumes. And much of the costume money they spend is for the special touch added by the use of Halloween contact lens additions to the costumes.

Leonardo Da Vinci is credited by many people with having first thought of contact lenses. I doubt Da Vinci ever thought he would see  contact lenses! One wonders if he would be surprised today by the rise in popularity of the Halloween contact lens and its use by adults.